Research Outputs


  • Ahmed S., Ranta M., Vähämaa E., & Vähämaa S. (2023) Facial attractiveness and CEO compensation: Evidence from the banking industry, Journal of Economics and Business, 123, 106095.
  • Ahmed, S., Hasan, M.M. & Kamal, M.R. (2023). Russia–Ukraine crisis: The effects on the European stock market. European Financial Management, 29, 1078-1118. (also previous OP-funding)
  • Baselga-Pascual, L., Dimic, N., & Vähämaa, E. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and bank credit ratings. Green Finance, Instruments, FinTech, and Investment Strategies (pp. 47-64). Springer.
  • Ebrahim, A., Palvia, A., Vähämaa, E. & Vähämaa, S. (2023). Poor performance and CEO changes in community banks: The role of gender in successions. FDIC Center for Financial Research Working Paper Series No. 2023-02.
  • Kaustia M., Conlin A., & Luotonen N. (2023) What drives stock market participation? The role of institutional, traditional, and behavioral factors. Journal of Banking & Finance
  • Rönnberg, R., Heimonen, K. ja M., Nieminen (2023) Varjopankkitoiminnan yhteys pankkiriiseihin ja suhdannevaihteluihin. Kansantaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 119 1/2023 43-80.
  • Scherleitner, M. (2023) Mutual Recognition in Investment Fund Taxation? A Reflection Based on Recent ECJ Case Law. In Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.
  • Suhonen, A. (2023) Direct Lending Returns. In Financial Analysts Journal
  • Abdollahi, H., Junttila, J.-P., & Lehkonen H. (2024) Clustering asset markets based on volatility connectedness to political news. Journal of International Financial Market, Institutions and Money.
  • Forthcoming:

  • Heimonen, Kari (2024) Suuri finanssikriisi 2008 ja sen opetukset, Luku 10 kirjassa" Ankarat ajat – Talouskriisien pitkä historia", toim. Roope Uusitalo, Jari Eloranta Gaudeamus.
  • Bollen, N., Joenväärä J., & Kauppila M. (2024). Decreasing Returns to Scale has Eroded Hedge Fund Performance Persistence. Critical Finance Review , forthcoming.
  • Afzali, M., Colak, G. & Vähämaa, S. (2024). Climate change denial and corporate environmental responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming.
  • Dimic, N., Goodell, J.W., Piljak, V., & Vulanovic, M. (2023). Green SPACl Management, forthcoming in European Financial Management.
  • Heimonen, K., Junttila J., H., Lehkonen (2023) Financial system in steering the economy towards planetary-well-being. In Interdisciplinary Perspective on Planetary-Well-Being. Eds. M.Elo, J. Hytänen, S. Karkulehto, T. Kortemäki, J.S. Kotiaho, M. Puurtinen & M. Salo. Routledge. Forthcoming 2023.
  • Joenväärä J., Kauppila M., & Tolonen P. (2023) Information Content of Hedge Fund Equity Option Holdings, Journal of Alternative Investments